
Indexing requires categorizations, and in the case of List of Lists the categorization of people, a practice at its core which is problematic and complex: All indexes are wrong; some are useful.

We hope this index, despite the inherent problem of categorization, broadens readers’ scopes by reading a great diversity of books.

If you find error with our taxonomy, we welcome feedback and suggestions for revision. To do so, please contact us.

Diversity Terms Overview

Diversity terms are divided into categories & subcategories and keywords.

Category terms are broad generic terms to comprise related, specific subcategory terms taken directly from index entry titles. Keywords express the entries genre (e.g. fiction, nonfiction, romance, etc.) and subject. Keywords an subcategories are taken from index entry titles.

Because the terms are pulled from the index entries, many facets of diversity are not present in the index. For example, we found no book lists comprising books written by author’s identifying as two-spirit. The absence of this or any identity in the taxonomy represents an absence of such a book list, not the absence of that identity.

Diversity Term Definitions

  • Diversity Awareness: includes lists comprising several diversity categories listed below
  • Age: includes lists pertaining to ages marginalized in popular culture
  • Disability: includes lists pertaining to physical and neurodivergences such as sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses.
  • Gender Identities: includes lists pertaining to gender identities.
  • LGBTQIA+ Identities: includes lists pertaining to sexuality, gender, and sexual orientation as defined by GLAAD as “The scientifically accurate term for an individual’s enduring physical, romantic and/ or emotional attraction to members of the same and/or opposite sex, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual (straight) orientations.”
  • Native Identities: includes lists pertaining to indigenous peoples and cultures. Of note, no lists in the index are formed around specific Tribal Nations because no lists found explicitly named specific Nations.
  • Racial & Cultural Identities: includes racial, ethnic, cultural and national identities. Identities are primarily grouped around geographic region. Of note, some category names are used in multiple ways in American culture (e.g. African-American is used in changing contexts as a racial, cultural, or national identity).
  • Social & Political: includes lists pertaining to political and social conditions that impact and often marginalize groups of people.
  • Spiritual Identities: includes lists pertaining to organized religion, spirituality, and cultural practices informed by religious or spiritual beliefs

Presentation of Index Entries

  • Recently added and featured book lists appear on the first page of results of the main index page.
  • When browsing the index by category or keyword, book lists appear in the order they were added to the index.